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Waiting Times PC

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The waiting times PC is once again operational. Each PC at Campbell Street reception, and the bagging PC can be used to edit the waiting times. 


To edit:

  • Click on Waiting Times link in your browser bookmarks bar
  • Log in to freedigitalsignage.com (see Michelle or Vicki for credentials)
  • Open Scenes 

  • Click on scene you wish to edit

  • Click on text in middle of screen, and then click on the word "text" on the right hand side. 

  • Make the necessary edit, and then click on the save symbol. 

  • Click on Save and restart stations.

  • The digital signage slideshow will restart. 


Please ensure that all information is correct at the time it is displayed. 


If there are any problems with editing and saving, or display errors, please see Michelle. 

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