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Rita on Leave

Rita will be on leave from 9/1/23 – 8/2/23.  Therefore in preparation of this, manual timesheets will need to be completed for the following pay periods.

5/1/23 – 18/1/23

19/1/23 – 1/2/23

The manual timesheet (available in the P drive under practice docs, timesheet proforma), for the above pay period timesheets need to be submitted by Tuesday 4/1/23 at the latest. 

Whilst staff may not be aware of what shifts they may be rostered for, for each full-time staff member the normal daily hours are 7.5hrs, those that work more or less can put down their normal daily hours on the timesheet.

If there are changes to the above pay periods due to illness, extra hours worked, or any other kind of leave, then this will be adjusted when Rita returns. Please continue to send through your medical certificates to Rita and Evelyn.

Please continue to log on/off in TMS – if you forget – please let the appropriate supervisor know so they can keep track to provide info to Rita for correct processing.

Whilst Rita is away all clerical staff are to notify Jenny if they are unable to work their shift.  If there are any concerns regarding anything else please liaise with your direct supervisor in the first instance and then Jenny if required.  Please remember that we always have a Radiologist on Duty and therefore if there are any patient concerns etc. that require escalation then please speak to Dr Lee or Kariappa depending on who’s on duty.

Dr Thushitha Pranavendran

Dr Thushitha Pranavendran

Happy New Year

Happy New Year