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Biopsy and FNA

Please make sure that the correct billing is used.  In particular – if biopsy is required for lesions in both breasts, then the bilateral breast item number is used (can use the quick code).  If on the other hand, one or more lesions are in the one breast, then the ultrasound code is for the one breast, with the biopsy number x how many lesions are being biopsied.

  • Eg 1:  Patient has two lesions in the right breast requiring FNA of both lesions – Items would be  50771, 31533, 31533A     
  • Eg 2:  Patient requires a core biopsy for two lesions in one breast then the items would be 50771, 31548, 31548A
  • Eg 3:  Patient has two lesions one in the right breast and one in the left breast for an FNA – items would be 55066, 31533, 31533A
  • Eg 4:  Patient needs to have a thyroid FNA for one nodule – items would be 55054, 30094   (additional nodules can be billed eg 30094A and so on depending on number of nodules
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