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Nuchal Billing

There have been some additional changes to the private fees for nuchal scans.

  1. For non Medicare patients requiring Dating, NT or 12-16 weeks ultrasounds the fee of $195 will remain (i.e. current fees will remain)
  2. For current Medicare card holders requiring NT or 12-16 week ultrasounds the fee of $150 is to be quoted.  (The out of pocket to patient is approx $85.)
  3. Staff will need to find out if the patient has a current Medicare card and quote accordingly.  Notes must be put in patient record so that all staff are aware.
  4. Please make sure that you memorise or read from the sheet the reasons why we need to charge for these tests and can no longer bulk bill, if you are asked why the examination cannot be bulk billed.
  5. If a patient (who has a current Medicare card) has an NT study with us and has paid for the scan, but then needs to return a couple of weeks later to have a 12-16 week scan due to bleeding / check pregnancy viability, then we will bulk bill this rather than charging the patient. If the patient HAS NOT had a nuchal with us or if a 12-16 scan is required to check early morph then this is chargeable and patient needs to be quoted the $150 charge. 

We apologise for the changes but this is a work in progress and Rita will let you know if anything changes as we go along.

If you're not sure what to say to a patient or Referrer, then please let Rita know, or speak to Sonia or the Admin Team.