Our merge with PRP beings the ease of being able to book directly with your location of choice online.

Once you have been redirected to PRP (by clicking below), please click on Book Appointment or Book Online.

Biopsy appointments

If a patient requests a biopsy and they have not had ANY previous imaging done at WIG relating to the area that we are going to biopsy (i.e., thyroid and breasts etc.), we will NOT be able to book them in. We will only be doing biopsies for patients who have had previous imaging done with WIG.  


Please let the patient know that we have an extensive waiting list for these procedures, and perhaps it is best they return to the company where their previous imaging was performed, or to speak to their referring doctor to see if they can suggest another company to book with.  


For biopsies that we will be booking with WIG, we will still need to follow the same protocol of adding patient's details down to the spreadsheet for Christine and Jess to check. They will then let us know when we can book the patient in.  


Any issues please let us know. 

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