Our merge with PRP beings the ease of being able to book directly with your location of choice online.

Once you have been redirected to PRP (by clicking below), please click on Book Appointment or Book Online.

Vaccination and Covid Testing Requirements

All patients/visitors 16 years and over are required to be double vaxed or have had a negative covid test performed in the 72 hours prior to having a test with us or accompanying someone into one of our Practices. We will also accept an authorised rapid antigen test performed on the day of the appointment.

Even if someone has a medical exemption from being vaccinated – they still require a negative covid test.
(the only exception is if someone has been previously diagnosed with Covid and has a letter from NSW Health saying they are unable to be tested for a 3 month period after diagnosis as testing may still show up as positive (but not contagious). This letter needs to be produced at appt time and scanned into patient’s record).

Anyone over the age of 12 (unless medically exempted) must wear a mask. Letters of exemption are to be produced and scanned into the patient record.

All patients and visitors are to check in with QR code or manually at front reception via the NSW Service website. 

Staff are to continue to sign in with QR code as well.

Any urgent scans that are required such as DVT or CT PE – will need to abide by the above conditions. If not vaxxed and unable to get a rapid antigen test done – then the best option would be to go to the closest emergency department. These calls must be screened carefully and accurately as there is no point in a patient who is requiring urgent care arriving at one of our sites only to be turned away because they aren’t vaxxed or unaware that they needed to have had a covid test. 

Further information will be provided regarding personal rapid antigen testing over the coming week.

These are our conditions of entry. A patient/visitor is entitled to not be happy about any of the above conditions of entry, but ultimately these are our conditions to help protect staff and fellow patients/visitors.



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Toner Stock