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Going the Distance

Feeling sluggish from lockdown? Need to get that pep back in your step?

It is no secret that lockdown for many of us meant eating a little more, and getting up a little less. Join us as we emerge from our cocoons and encourage each other to once again join the world and make some healthy habits. A little competition amongst friends is the push we may just need. 

The Biggest Loser has been rebranded as Going the Distance. There will still be a cash prize for the person who loses the most weight (based on the percentage of weight lost), however this time it is about not giving up. Six weeks of eating well and moving more can benefit everyone, even if you don't "win". As this competition is about Going the Distance, there will also be a weekly prize awarded based on different categories e.g. steps taken, meals logged. You do not have to rely on weight loss to win a prize! 

To join the competition please fill out the form below and check back each week for updates and results (actual weight is never dislosed, only percentage of weight lost). 

You will also need to download the Better Together App (available on IOS and Android) and create an account. You will be invited to join our challenge group via the app. 

Competition will start Monday 18th October and entry fee is $20 - payable to Michelle (in cash) by Friday 29th October. 

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