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It's not too late to become a wellness warrior

Do you want to develop healthy habits?  |  Do you want to sleep better?  |  Do you want to drink more water?  |  DO YOU WANT TO EXERCISE MORE?  |  DO YOU WANT TO PRACTICE MEDITATION?  |  Do you want to win some money?

Join WIGs Wellness Warriors for your chance to win $250+. 

Earn points for tracking what you eat, what you drink, how much you sleep, any exercise you do, the steps you take, and any meditation you do; the top three points earners walk away with a cash prize. 

Competition starts Monday 3rd October and lasts for six weeks (final competition day is Friday 18th November). 

Entry fee of $10. 

1st Prize - Starting at $250

2nd Prize - Starting at $125

3rd Prize - Starting at $75

(Final prize amounts will be announced first week of competition)

Winners will be announced on Monday 21st November. 

To earn points you will need to take screenshots or photos of whichever tracking app you choose to use, and send to Michelle via email or text (a second person will also check screenshots and points allocated to confirm accuracy). Points will be calculated and posted to the blog each week so you can see your progress. Screenshots will also be posted to ensure complete transparency. 

A wearable fitness tracker such as a smart watch or pedometer will be necessary to track exercise. If you have a pedometer that is not connected to an app, you will need to take a photo of your step count to submit. 

There are countless apps for tracking water, sleep, exercise, meditation etc. such as:

Easy Diet Diary

My Fitness Pal

Calorie Counter by Lose It


Insight Timer



Simply find the app that best works for you and start tracking!

Please note, this is not a weight loss competition so you will not have to stress about stepping on a scale - you will just be practicing healthy habits and hopefully earning some money for it. 

Point system will be structured as such:

Track breakfast - 1 point

Track lunch - 1 point

Track dinner - 1 point

Track snacks - 1 point

Track daily water consumption - 1 point

Track sleep - 1 point

2000 steps - 1 point

Track meditation - 2 points

15 minutes of exercise (regardless of intensity or type) - 3 points

If you have any questions regarding the competition and how it works, please speak with Michelle for further information. 

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