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Back Injection Appointments

Please ask all back inj patients to send through their request and confirm that consult/opinion has also been requested. Appointment can be arranged but it is imperative that we get a request prior to the appointment so that all can be checked prior to the patient appointment – even if the patient can take a photo and send it through to either email or one of the work mobile phones (located in phone room and Plumpton) - if they do this be sure to stress they must also bring the original in at the time of the appointment.  It is up to the person arranging the appointment to make sure that the correct information is being given to the patient regarding sending through request as well as the correct wording on the request.

Please DO NOT write for consultation/opinion on the request yourself.  If a secretary from the Drs office has said the Referrer has authorised this, then the new request or request with those words need to come from them.  Only time we are to write on the request is if the Referring Dr authorises it and you will need to record:

a) the name of the person you spoke to

b) that the referrer has authorised for this to be written on the request if you did not speak to the referrer yourself

c) date of call

d) your name. 

We need to be able to provide Medicare with all these details should they question the request.