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This is one of the most important aspects of reception work.  We do have slightly different methods/processes currently in place at different sites to ensure our Bagging Checklists are being processed.  Ultimately the goal is to make sure patient information is correct; study performed is correct, the referrer and cc Dr details are correct and most importantly that results are going back to the referrer.

At the moment we are trialling a macro checklist at Marsden.

All other sites should still be using Bagging slips.  THIS MEANS EVERY OTHER SITE – NO EXCEPTIONS.

I have been getting innumerable calls weekly from referrers saying that either a) have not received a patient’s report or b) Drs and Practices calling to tell me that they are NOT the referrers!!!

The processes are in place not only to make sure that we are all protected from Medicolegal issues but ultimately providing the service that we are here to do.

Each day, a staff member must be assigned the role of going through all the day/prior days patients to ensure that the bagging checklist is completed and that the report has been received on the other end by the correct Doctor.  If the report has not gone through – then that staff member is assigned with finding out a) why and b) getting the report to the Dr and making notes in patient record on how report has been received on other end.

There are to be no excuses or reasons why this is not being done.  IT JUST HAS TO BE DONE, AND DONE PROPERLY.  I’m sure that any one of us would not accept this if it was a report for ourselves or one of our family that had not reached the referrer.  Patients and Drs are relying on us to get it RIGHT.

The bagging slips are not to be scanned into the patient record without first having checked if the report has been received via the elected delivery method e.g. fax. 

At Campbell St – this, plus completing the whole bagging checklist, is to be done by the person rostered for Bagging. Reception staff are still to recheck that a Medicare form has been scanned into patient record and check the audit to make sure that the report has been sent via EDI or fax, and that it’s been received.



