Our merge with PRP beings the ease of being able to book directly with your location of choice online.

Once you have been redirected to PRP (by clicking below), please click on Book Appointment or Book Online.

Patient and Staff Privacy and Confidentiality

A reminder to all staff that staff privacy is just as important and patient privacy.  This is regardless of whether the staff member is having a test at WIG or not.  This includes information regarding a staff member’s address, date of birth, phone number etc. 

Sharing of this information without specific consent from the particular staff member is a breach of privacy.  Discussions surrounding where someone lives or their personal circumstances is not only inappropriate but a breach of WIG code of conduct. 

Please be conscious that we work in very small confined areas and voices carry, therefore whenever needing to discuss a patient’s details, or if there is a professional need to discuss a staff member’s details, this is to be done respectfully, and discretely - otherwise please refrain from having these discussions because if it’s not being discussed from a patient care perspective it shouldn’t be discussed at all.