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Image Printing

We DO NOT print on x-ray film anymore, unless the referrer has specifically contacted us and informed us of the same, i.e. not the patient.

If a patient requests "films" we tell them as always that it is available online and all their images are there for them to look at, explain this in more detail if necessary.  If they insist, you give them PAPER, not x-ray film no matter what they say.  

Also we have a pamphlet which guides them on how to look online, please give these to patients. (These are saved in P drive/Practice Docs/Filmless and Patient Portal Documents/PortalFAQ. They are to be printed double sided on A5 paper, and folded in half. If you are unsure how to print them correctly, please contact Michelle.)

This rule holds for all Drs and all patients unless specifically changed by Dr Lee.

There are new laminated sheets with “print on film” and “print on paper” at Campbell Reception, please ensure these are included with patient's paperwork to inform the radiographers/sonographers. 

Those referrers that require images to be printed (on paper) are indicated on the Dr Look Up list and the information is printed on the patient’s label
Staff are currently going through and calling these referrers to confirm that they still want film/paper images printed and this list will be updated.
When explaining imaging printing to patients – please do not say “your films will be printed”  or use the word "film" as people automatically think that it will be on actual film.
When referring to images and printing, use the term "images" i.e. your images will be printed on paper. 

It is the same as when we refer to reports going to a patient’s Dr – we say that "your report with be sent via fax, EDI (email) etc. to your Dr – We don’t say "your results will go back to your Dr",  because in Radiology the patient assumes that results mean films and report and expect them to go directly to Dr via hardcopy – not available online. 

Please be specific and use the correct terminology so that the patients understand and are clear in regards to what is going to happen after they’ve had their scan done.

Nuchal Translucency

Nuchal Translucency

3T Entrance

3T Entrance