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Notice from Evelyn and Rita



Rita and I are trying to streamline payroll reporting to avoid adjustments after a payroll run.


We are thinking of closing off payroll fortnightly, ending Wednesday instead of Sunday. Payroll payments to your bank account will be done on the same day as before, there will be NO CHANGES to when you will receive it in your bank account.


We are thinking of commencing this on 1 November 2021 to give you time to discuss with me if you have any concerns– please email your concerns to me DIRECTLY - evelyn@westernimaginggroup.com.au


THE ONLY CHANGE IS - for the first fortnight ending, to align it to Wednesdays, you will be paid for a shorter fortnight i.e 8 days + any Saturday worked, instead of the 10 days + any Saturday worked, and therefore for the 1st pay period it will be 1st Nov to 10th Nov 2021.


From 11th Nov 2021, it will be back to a full fortnight ending Wednesday FE 24th Nov 2021.


We are also taking this opportunity to “beg” you to continue to email your medical certificate as soon as you have it to Rita and please copy me in it. This again is to avoid having to make another adjustment after payroll is run. We have advised in the past that if we do not receive the medical certificate we will have to record it as leave without pay and therefore the onus is on you to commit to doing this to assist us in our payroll processing.


I hope the above is not going to cause any inconvenience and if it does, please do not hesitate to contact me.  


Thank you.


Evelyn (and Rita)