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Meeting Minutes

Meeting Wed 15/2/23

Getting to work on time for your shift

Shifts are organised to cover Practice opening hours.  Each person receives a roster with their shift documented.  One of the fundamental expectations of any paid job, is that you get paid for the hours that you work.  If you don’t work your full hours, then why would the expectation be that you would still get paid the same time as if you had worked the hours?  For those that are consistently late for their shift (even a couple of minutes daily will add up over time) and expect to still get paid – this will not occur. 

Of course there are times when things outside of our control happen and may impact our start time.  If this occurs then please notify your supervisor that you are running late and the expected time of arrival (just remember all sites have opening times and there are people relying on you to be at work on time). Please  speak with your direct supervisor once you arrive, to work out whether catch up time can be worked to make up for the lateness, this may not be possible on the day that you are late eg if your shift ends at 5pm and the practice is closing at 5pm, then there’s no point in working back the 15mins you were late if the practice also closes at 5pm. 

If the lateness is recurring then disciplinary discussions will commence and pays cut to reflect the time not worked.  Continual disregard for start times and the impacts on your fellow colleagues, patients and practice will also lead to disciplinary discussions which could lead to dismissal.   

Mobile phones/watches

Mobile phones are not to be used during work hours.  These are to be kept in your locker.  Phones can be looked at in break times (this does not mean a toilet break). Our attention needs to be on providing a health and support service to patients not being distracted by texts, social media etc on our mobile phones or watches that perform the same as a phone.  Your watch is ok to use to tell the time!

There are senior staff that have authority to have their phone on them to be able to communicate with our Radiologists offsite, referrers, suppliers and staff.  If you haven’t been told that you can have your phone on you – then you can’t!

Warnings will be given which will lead to disciplinary discussions which could in turn lead to dismissal should protocol not be followed.

Customer Complaints Handling and Feedback

Please see policy and protocol belowfor complaints and feedback handling. 

  • Any immediate concerns at a site are to be addressed by the supervisor at each site.  Should escalation be required then please let Rita/Admin team know.
  • Any emailed feedback is to be forwarded to Rita, Dr Lee and the Dept Head that the feedback is related to eg – technical – Thanushan, sonography – Christine.
  • Any completed feedback forms are to be given to Rita/Admin Office for actioning (whether positive or negative feedback).
  • Any incidents and accidents are to be documented (forms are available in the P Drive, Practice Docs folder).
  • Any google reviews will be addressed by Dr Kariappa and Michelle.  Rita to be notified re same.


Masks are no longer mandated but a recommended in high risk settings such as Health.  It will be up to each individual staff member to decide if they would like to wear a mask and patients will no longer be  asked to wear one to attend an appointment.

CT PE angiograms

These can be performed at Marsden Park as well as Eastbrooke.

EFTPOS terminals at Marsden Park

Further discussion re EFTPOS terminals at offsite locations will be organised and staff will be advised.

Staff Meeting

Staff Meeting

Clerical Annual Leave

Clerical Annual Leave