Our merge with PRP beings the ease of being able to book directly with your location of choice online.

Once you have been redirected to PRP (by clicking below), please click on Book Appointment or Book Online.

Sending Patient Reports

It has been repeatedly asked (as well as appearing in newsletters and blogs) for any referrers that are not on EDI to be put on as auto fax. 

We have a duty of care, and it is the responsibility of each site to make sure that the patient report is being received by the Doctor either by Fax or EDI, and that these are double checked to ensure that the report has gone through to the Doctor.

Reception is responsible for the following sites:

  • Campbell Street (bagging and front desk)
  • Eastbrooke
  • 3T
  • Upright
  • Women's Imaging
  • Plumpton
  • Marsden Park
  • Nuclear Medicine

Radiographers are responsible for the following sites:

  • BFMC
  • Rooty Hill
  • Seven Hills

If you are unsure on how to check a report has been sent, or change a referrer delivery status, please check with your supervisor. 

Please ensure someone is allocated at each site on a daily basis to check to make sure the faxes are being sent and received. 

We cannot stress enough the importance of a report getting to a referrer – this affects the patient’s care and treatment. It is not acceptable to get calls 18 days after a test has been performed, a referrer calling 3 times for a report to be faxed and not once has the fax gone through, and yet NOT ONE PERSON who has sent any of the faxes checked to make sure that it went through!!!!!!   

If a fax is not automatically going through on Comrad, then please try and fax manually.  If this also doesn’t work then please notify Michelle, Rita or Admin Staff as we will then need to flag with IT and our telecommunication company.

Ultrasound Booking

Ultrasound Booking

