Our merge with PRP beings the ease of being able to book directly with your location of choice online.

Once you have been redirected to PRP (by clicking below), please click on Book Appointment or Book Online.

End of Day

The MRT list must be checked before the end of day at every site. Have all completed examinations been marked off? Are notes entered for all patients returning for extra pictures? Is everything accounted for?

Each department is responsible for their own list and must ensure that it is up to date at the end of each day (concierge is responsible for the Campbell Street ultrasound list).

And remember, notes are your friend!! Anything that needs a follow up requires notes; you are not always guaranteed to be in the same department the next day, notes mean your colleagues are able to see what is happening with any patients left on the list.  

Request Forms

Request Forms

Nuchal Translucency - Update

Nuchal Translucency - Update