Our merge with PRP beings the ease of being able to book directly with your location of choice online.

Once you have been redirected to PRP (by clicking below), please click on Book Appointment or Book Online.

Humanforce App


Please continue to clock on/off on both humanforce and TMS until further notice.

Clocking on and off in humanforce is no different to clocking on/off in TMS ie YOU NEED TO BE PRESENT IN THE PRACTICE READY TO START WORK AT YOUR START TIME  NOT CLOCKING ON ACROSS THE ROAD IN THE CAR PARK!!!  Good try though for all those making those attempts. 

PLEASE NOTE – for those staff that are already challenging the clock on/off system, wherever you do clock on/off – the exact location is recorded in the APP and this info forms part of the file that your Supervisor and therefore the PRP pay office sees!!!  So probably best to just to the right thing and use the clock on/off the way it’s meant to be used.

For those doing the right thing – thank you – for those pushing the boundaries – A+ for effort but !!!!!

If you forget to clock on/off, please message your relevant supervisor (Christine, Thanu, Rita) as these adjustments will need to be made in Humanforce.


As leave entitlements have not been uploaded into humanforce as yet, anyone that is scheduled to be on leave over the coming few weeks will still appear on the humanforce rosters – if you click on the date in the calendar that you’re due to be on leave you should see under comments the type of leave that you’re taking e.g., Annual Leave, Time in Lieu etc.  In future – leave will be able to be applied for in Humanforce and once your supervisor approves the leave, a green plane will appear on those dates and the dates on your calendar will show the type of leave that you’re taking.


There is no need to clock off for your lunch breaks.  Full time staff are allocated 30 mins for lunch and this is automated.


For tips on how to use the Humanforce app, click here.

Medicare Forms

Medicare Forms

EFTPOS Payments

EFTPOS Payments