Our merge with PRP beings the ease of being able to book directly with your location of choice online.

Once you have been redirected to PRP (by clicking below), please click on Book Appointment or Book Online.

Manual Timesheets

Rita will be on leave from 9/1/23 – 8/2/23.  Therefore in preparation of this, manual timesheets will need to be completed for the following pay periods.

5/1/23 – 18/1/23 and

19/1/23 – 1/2/23

The timesheet is available in the P drive under practice docs, timesheet proforma, and the above pay period timesheets need to be submitted by Tuesday 4/1/23 at the latest.  Therefore if anyone is going to be away during the Christmas/New year, or in January etc, please submit your timesheet before you go on leave.

Whilst staff may not be aware of what shifts they may be rostered for, for each full-time staff member the normal daily hours are 7.5hrs, those that work more or less can put down their normal daily hours on the timesheet.

Clerical rosters including Saturdays for Jan and Feb 2023 will be distributed over the next few days so Saturday shifts can also be included on your timesheet.

If there are changes to the above pay periods due to illness, extra hours worked, or any other kind of leave, then this will be adjusted when Rita returns.

If you are sick during the above time periods, please continue to forward your sick certificates via email to both Rita and Evelyn and provide the original to the Admin office.

Please continue to log on/off in TMS – if you forget – please let the appropriate supervisor know so they can keep track to provide info to Rita for correct processing.



Twin Nuchal Scans

Twin Nuchal Scans