Our merge with PRP beings the ease of being able to book directly with your location of choice online.

Once you have been redirected to PRP (by clicking below), please click on Book Appointment or Book Online.

Fit in Policy

As always, our fit in policy remains in place. This service is offered for most scans, in particular ultrasounds. All staff should be aware of this policy and the procedures in place for same. On the phone, when someone calls or if a person arrives without an appointment, we should be asking the person when they’d like to have their scan done; if there is no availability for the preferred time and location, we could offer them our fit-in service. 

Say to the patient "we’d be more than happy to fit you in between people who do have appointments, the wait time will be anything up to 2 hours*".  The aim is to provide a service wherever we can.

*Please be aware the time limit has changed, please inform patients the wait will now be up to 2 hours. 

SI Joint Injection Fees

SI Joint Injection Fees

