Our merge with PRP beings the ease of being able to book directly with your location of choice online.

Once you have been redirected to PRP (by clicking below), please click on Book Appointment or Book Online.

Extra Views or Missing Images

If a patient needs to return because particular views were missed by the radiographer/sonographer, or they need to return for extra views, the radiographer/sonographer will need to add the patient onto the machine manually using the original visit details (unless of course the patient is still on their worklist). A new visit is not to be added. Once the extra views have been completed, please inform Michelle so it can be checked on PACS to ensure the radiologists can view the images. 

If a patient leaves without having an examination e.g. referred for ultrasound and x-ray, but leaves before having the x-ray done, the same as above applies, do not add a new visit - the visit will be on the radiographer/sonographer worklist. If the visit is not on the worklist, the radiographer/sonographer will need to add the details manually. Once again, please inform Michelle so the visit can be checked on PACS.

If a patient returns more than seven days after the original examination, a new request will be required for Medicare purposes. 

Incomplete Visits

Incomplete Visits

Early Arrivals

Early Arrivals